Chemistry Junior Inter Two mark important questions
Chemistry Important Two Mark Important Questions– Junior Intermediate BIE
Botany Junior Intermediate Important questions on Environmental Chemistry have been characterized to help students to score more marks and gets more flexibility to have complete knowledge on the subject. Students can go through these questions and answers as well to score complete marks on this segment as well.
Q: Define “COD”. How is it determined?
A: The amount of oxygen required to oxidise organic material present in polluted water. It is determined with acidified (50% H2SO4) K2Cr2O7.
Q: Define “Sink” and “Receptor”.
- A: Sink: The medium which is not only effected by the pollutant but also remains there. Trees are sinks of CO2.
- Receptor: The medium which is badly effected by the pollutant. Eyes are receptors during traffic jam.
Q: What is “Threshold Limit Value” (TLV)?
A: The permissible level of a toxic pollutant in atmosphere where a healthy person works in that atmosphere for 8 hours per day without any adverse effect.
Q: What is “green house effect”?
A: The phenomenon of gradual rise of temperature of earth due to absorption of infrared radiation of sun rays by the gases like CO2, CH4, CFCs and O3.
Q: Which oxides cause acid rains? What is its pH value?
A: Acid rains are caused by the oxides NO2 and SO2 (due to formation of H2SO4, HNO3) when they reacts with O2 & H2O. pH of acid rain water is below 5.6.
Q: Name two adverse effects caused by acid rains.
A: Decrease of fertility of soil as acid rains dissolve nutrients and washes away. Damage of historical monuments like Taj Mahal.
Q: What is “ozone hole”? Where was it first observed?
A: The depletion of ozone layer present in stratosphere is caused by CFCs. It was first observed over the south pole.
Q: What are the harmful effects caused by ozone layer depletion?
- A: Causes skin cancer & cataract.
- Damage to fish productivity.
- Paints & fibres fade faster.
- Decrease of moisture in soil.
Q: What is ‘Eutrophication’?
A: Drying of lake due to overgrowth & decay of algae and other plants & killing of fish (due to lack of oxygen) due to over nutrition of lake water.
Q: What is “Green Chemistry”?
A: New branch of Chemistry which helps in reduction in the production & use of harmful pollutants by using existing knowledge of Chemistry and other sciences.
Q: Explain the principle of Chromatography.
A: The technique in which the mixture of substances is applied on stationary phase (solid or liquid) and a mobile phase (gas or solvent) is allowed to move slowly over the stationary phase. The components are separated from one another in pure form.
Q: What is “Carcinogenicity”? Name two compounds cause it.
A: Cancer producing property by fused benzene rings (3 or more), which are formed due to incomplete combustion of tobacco, coal and petroleum.
Eg: 1, 2, – Benzpyrene, 1, 2 – Benzanthracene